Kub yam khoom kub

Peb yuav ua li cas

Peb niaj hnub specializes nyob rau hauv cov luam ntawm rooj tog zoo sab nraum zoov rooj tog, Sfering ib unique blend ntawm style, durability, thiab affordability. Nrog lub ntiaj teb no mov network, peb xyuas kom ntau yam khoom uas cater rau diverse tastes thiab kev nyab xeeb. Peb siab rau excellence yog reflected nyob rau hauv peb meticulous xaiv cov ntaub ntawv, innovative designs, thiab eco-tus phooj ywg manufacturing txheej txheem. Backed los ntawm ib pab neeg kev thiab seamless logistics, peb muab txhim khu kev qha thiab timely tus me nyuam, pab cov neeg tau loj hlob lawv cov lag luam effortlessly. Tus khub nrog peb transform sab nraum tej qhov chaw stylish, nyiam retreats.


Yooj ywm customization

Tailored tsim los match koj lub lag luam xav tau.


Bulk Orders, nyiaj loj

Txaus siab rau nqi lag luam wholesale nqi rau tej kev txiav txim txiav nqi thiab nce profits.


ceev ceev

On-time tus me nyuam kom koj inventory stocked tsis zoo.


Kev Tswjhwm Zoo

Premium khoom xyuas kom durability, sawv ntsug rau tag nrho cov neeg mob sab nraum zoov.

Featured Applications

Nrhiav tau li cas peb ua hauj lwm crafted sab nraum rooj tog yog elevating koj ua hauj lwm, nrog durable, customizable designs tailored kom tau raws li cov zov ntawm koj txoj kev lag luam.

Ergonomic Design

Designed with the user's health and comfort in mind, ergonomic chairs are a worthwhile furniture option to invest in, especially for those who sit for long periods of time to work, study or play.

Variable Design

Cov ntxhuav kuj yog ib lub indispensable thiab versatile tej rooj tog hauv tsev niaj hnub vim lawv xyaum thiab yooj ywm.

Nplua nuj thaum lawv tseem tsim

Furniture sets are economical, efficient, and hassle-free options that fulfill both beauty and functionality for the modern family's one-stop home needs.

Siv sijhawm los ze zog

Quality Wicker

Rattan yog ib rooj tog los yog decorative khoom siv woven rattan, uas yog ntuj thiab tej phooj ywg tus phooj ywg. Zoo rattan weaving muaj ib smooth, pliable thiab durable qhov chaw thiab feem ntau kho kom tiv thaiv warping thiab corrosion. Rattan khoom tsis zoo xwb muaj ib tug unique aesthetic, tiam sis kuj zoo ventilated thiab zoo heev rau hauv tsev thiab sab nraum zoov rooj tog thiab décor.

ntoo tshauv

Yas ntoo yog ib cov khoom ua los ntawm compositing yas nrog ntoo fibers, uas muaj tus zoo thiab xav tias ntoo thiab cov dej kuj thiab corrosion kuj yas. Yas ntoo yog environmentally phooj ywg, durable, yooj yim kom muaj, thiab tsis raug huab cua, ces lawv yog lug siv nyob rau sab nraum zoov rooj tog, pem teb, thiab toj roob hauv pes decoration.


Fabric yog ib hom fabric, feem ntau woven ntawm fibers (e.g. paj rwb, linen, silk, synthetic fibers, etc.). Zoo fabric feem ntau muaj ib tug soft xav tias, zoo breathability thiab durability. Nws siv tau rau ntau hom phiaj, xws li khaub ncaws, tsev décor, curtains, sofas, thiab ntau dua. Zoo fabric muaj zoo xim retention thiab wrinkle kuj thiab yog ib qho yooj yim rau kev ntxuav tu.

Hu rau peb

Teem caij mus ntsib kws kho mob

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